Black Beans are one of the most popular beans in the Americas and Caribbean Islands.

With rich flavor this beans makes it a wonderful additional to nearly any dish.

Popular in the Caribbean and Central American regions they are often eaten with rice.

White Kidney Beans are mild flavored legume with a smooth texture. A rich source of Potassium.

With beige color and medium round size, chick peas have a firm texture when cook.

Split Peas have a mild flavor and soft texture. Most commonly used in thick soups and stews.

This small beige pale-colored with a prominent black spot at the sprouting point have a pleasant savory flavor.

This little round shape legumes are rich source of folic acid, which fights heart desease.

This medium-sized bean is the most widely produced bean in the US.

It is traditionally served during breakfast, but can be used at any meal like a polenta.

Black Beans are one of the most popular beans in the Americas and Caribbean Islands.

With rich flavor this beans makes it a wonderful additional to nearly any dish.

Popular in the Caribbean and Central American regions they are often eaten with rice.

With beige color and medium round size, chick peas have a firm texture when cook.

This little round shape legumes are rich source of folic acid, which fights heart desease.

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